Welcome to the Louisiana Chapter of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association's official Web site. News and information will be available here for members and prospective members, for your convenience. (Photo: Nick Cox Trail Ride 2014)
Please contact us if you have questions or would like more information. Thank you and happy riding!
Next Event: LaMFTHBA Play Day, Red Hill Cowboy Church Arena, 212 Anderson Road, Delhi LA 71232, 10:00 a.m. (flyer)
Membership Forms: ( PDF | Word )
LaMFTHBA Newsletter - Nov. 18, 2017
ABOUT THE MFTH • To Ride One is to Own One!
A horse owner's dream! Smooth, sure-footed, hardy, athletic, gentle, willing and beautiful!! Bred for its easy disposition and smooth gait, the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse is also an athletic and capable competitor. Whatever your sport or job, you can get it done with style on a Missouri Fox Trotter. There are over 80,000 registered Fox Trotters. Take a ride and see why we say "To ride one is to own one!" (full description - history)
