January 2009


From the President

We are off to a new year and certainly some changes in our Nation. I'm sure some will be good and some not so good, but even so we are blessed to live in the greatest nation in the world.

We had our first board meeting at the Piccadilly in Monroe on the 19th as scheduled and had a good turn out and a good positive meeting. We missed Eddie Lee who is on our versatility committee as he is having some health issues. Let's all keep Eddie in our prayers and hope for a speedy recovery. Clellie and Susan were at the meeting and are now in Houston for more tests and some treatment. I know we'll also continue to remember them in our prayers. Please notify Jessie of any members with health problems so we can remember them also.


We have cancelled our Feb meeting in Winnsboro on the 19th and 20th and will now have our first play day at The Ike in West Monroe. This will not be a show but will be a play day. We have invited our Tennessee Walker folks as well as the Pasa Fino folks to come join us for casual riding and fellowship. We encourage all our members to come and join us even if you never participate in our shows. The Louisiana Equine Council events in the main arena of The Ike will be March Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th and our play day will be on the 13th. Ruby Collins from Bastrop (318-281-7123) is in charge of the Louisiana Equine Council weekend and you may contact her direct for any questions or contact me or Jessie (318-435-3104) and we will get answers to any questions. Please feel free to invite any of your Pasa Fino and Tennessee Walker friends to join us.

As most of you know, Texas does not have any shows scheduled at this time but are still a "trail riding" club. If you know any Texans personally, please invite them to join our events. I have a list of former members and will seek a current list in order to put them on our mail outs in hopes of them joining us.

The Friday 13th play day at The Ike will be an opportunity to give your input on the upcoming events for 2009.

Our Versatility Committee, headed up by our Vice President Ken Kutter, is joined by Eddie Lee and Clayton Pilgreen. They welcome your input.

Our Trail Ride Committee is headed up by Jimmy Christmas and is joined by Clellie Batson, Buddy Savage, and Charlie Cox. They also welcome your input.

Our Show Committee is composed of all our board members and we certainly welcome your input.

We thank all of you for your support and remember Jan and Eddie Lee as well as Susan and Clellie Batson. We hope to see you all at The Ike.

Thank you
Jim Sullivan

Please send your news items to Jim Sullivan at 521 Guice Road, Winnsboro LA 71295 or Jessie at sullivans1981@yahoo.com. Advertising items should be sent to Buddy Savage, PO Box 123, Collinston LA 71229.

Get Well Wishes

Kenneth Burgess

Clellie Batson

Eddie Lee

Charlie Beck

A Special Thanks
Goes to
Susan Clow

For the Chapter Web site that she has designed. She has done a wonderful job. You can view the site at

If there is anything that you would like to add to the site or anything you can think of that has been overlooked, please contact Susan or Jessie.

© Louisiana Chapter of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Association
Updated 05/20/2009 • Web Content: susan@ksclow.net