Fellow Fox Trotters RE: Southern Classic There will be a board meeting on August 10th (Monday evening, 6:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m.) at the Piccadilly Cafeteria in Monroe. This is a special Meeting concerning the Southern Classic and our connection and involvement in it. Ken Kutter attended the 2009 Southern Classic and visited with the officers involved. He has some information about the Classic to share and decisions to be made by our club. Anyone interested in this meeting is welcome to attend and your input is always welcome.
Please send your news items to Jim Sullivan at 521 Guice Road, Winnsboro LA 71295 or Jessie at sullivans1981@yahoo.com. Advertising items should be sent to Buddy Savage, PO Box 123, Collinston LA 71229.
© Louisiana Chapter of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Association |
• Web Content: susan@ksclow.net |