Sept 2009 (1)

From the President

Fellow Fox Trotters

Summer has come and gone, kids are back in school, and times are good for trail rides. Our next planned ride is the Nick Cox Ride in Bastrop with Jimmy Christmas being the contact person.

We will follow the Nick Cox Ride with a meeting and ride in Winnsboro at Sullivan Stables. We have a meeting, cookout, and entertainment planned for Friday night at the barn. The meeting will include nominations for officers and a new board member for 2010. You may send any nominations to Buddy Savage.

We have several members with health issues at this time and need your prayers. Please remember Clellie Batson, Charlie Beck, Delton Brown, Felix Brown, Lavelle Woods, and Lynn Dousay. Please notify us of any other persons having health issues so that we may list them.

Hope to see you
Jim Sullivan


Please send your news items to Jim Sullivan at 521 Guice Road, Winnsboro LA 71295 or Jessie at Advertising items should be sent to Buddy Savage, PO Box 123, Collinston LA 71229.

© Louisiana Chapter of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Association
Updated 09/29/2009 • Web Content: